Zero to Hero at Detonation 2025
Have you seen some Reels on Socials lately and you’re wondering, what is this West Coast Swing thing all about? Here is your chance to jump in at the deep-end and have a full on weekend experience. Starting Friday evening with an Ice-breaker class and climaxing on Sunday the opportunity to enter into our Newcomer Jack & Jill. All sorts of fun and games in between.
When? | 25-28 April 2025
Where? | Doubletree Hilton Hotel Manchester Airport (Hotel room bookings made at Hotel Page)
How Much? | £99
Zero to Hero Crew – Vicky Vasilisauskaite, Sian McCreadie
Zero to Hero Schedule | Detonation Dance 2024
4 – 5.30pm | Hotel Check-In and Event Registation. Get into your room and pick up a wristband from the Detonation Registration desk. 6.15pm | Meet and Greet with Vicky, who will take you through a rundown of the weekend
6.30 – 8.30pm | Icebreaker Session with the Zero to Hero Crew.
8.45pm | Nations Battle: Round 1 – Let’s get a Zero to Hero team going! Here’s a chance to join other community members for some fun and games to get to know each other.
9.00pm | Watch the Jackpot & Jill Competitions.
TBC | Zero to Hero Room Party – to happen after the Jackpot & Jill Competitions. Vicky will keep you in the loop.
After Room Party | Social dancing, hang out in the ballroom, have a dance or two and get ready to watch the Teachers Demo at 11pm. Everyone will head down together after the room party.
You choose your bedtime! We’ll be dancing until 6am but don’t feel you have stay up too late, you’ll want plenty of sleep as Saturday will be a big day for everyone at the event.
10-12pm | Session 2 with the Zero to Hero Crew.
12.30pm -1.30pm | Take the plunge in the Schipol room with Ben & Cameo.
1.35pm | Break for Lunch for and reflection on the event so far with Vicky, who will keep you posted on where to meet.
4.15pm | Nations Battle: Round 2 – More fun and games, let’s show them what we’re made of!
After Nations Battle, meet to Watch the Jack & Jill Competitions. The Zero to Hero Crew will be competing in the Novice & Intermediate divisions.You are the cheering squad so make some noise for your Zero to Hero Crew! After comps, take a break to get some food, rest and come back for the evening party, performances, finals and Detonation J&J show.
10.15pm | Nations Battle: Round 3 – all fueled up after dinner, let’s go and have some fun!
10.30pm | Spotlight Jack & Jill Finals. This will be EPIC so don’t miss the opportunity to watch these contests LIVE and in the flesh!
12.00am | Detonation J&J show will pop up around midnight. It is one of the highlights of the event and well worth staying up for, we’ll make sure that you get a good seat (although it’ll be on the floor). The party will really get started after the Awards which we’ll get wrapped up as quickly as possible.
11-1pm | Session 3 with the Zero to Hero Crew. We start putting the pieces of the puzzle together and help prepare you for Newcomer J&J. 1.05pm | Meet with Vicky, who will keep you posted on where to meet, for a catch-up about your sessions, comps and the weekend so far.
Break for Lunch.
2.15pm | Join Ben & Cameo for a workshop in the Schipol room.
4.30pm | Newcomer Jack & Jill, Switch J&J & Strictly Swing.
5.45pm | Nations Battle: Final Round – Are we ready to give it all we got?
6.00pm | Awards
After comps and awards we’ll meet in the bar to share some final thoughts and plan the next time we’ll all be meeting up or let you know the nearest WCS classes to you.
Other useful information…
You do not need to stay at the Hotel to take advantage of this ticket, although it is recommended for the best experience.
Event participants also receive a discounted parking rate.
Entering the Newcomer Jack & Jill is optional